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Winning idea

Hi team, please select the idea that's going to make us win this challenge!!!
Think of ...Global impact, innovative(never seen before), board of directors would sponsor...

  • Warranty App: by typing P/N serial number keep track of manufacturing date, origen, seller(distributor) and possible warranty expiration date/lifecycle status
  • Installed Based Management: They will be able to see a virtual plant, the products installed, catalogs and lifecycle information of products.
  • Opportunity managment RA/Distributor and sales strategy linked to dynamics. (Mauricio)
  • DEMO managment: Create a tool for DEMO managment to keep track of the borrowed demos (whatcustomer/AM) and available DEMOS with its documentation (Daniel)
  • Website: Product development feedback and new product ideas. (Larissa)
  • Other? Please comment...

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