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Alcaldía de Neiva 2016-2019

Si las elecciones fueran hoy; quien seria tu candidato para manejar las arcas de la alcaldía de Neiva?.

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UB0J2s5Jbi1 26-07-2016 22:03

Articles like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very imraotpnt.
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4A0muBfsK 25-07-2016 09:49

If your arctelis are always this helpful, "I'll be back."
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535Ynqe0lID 25-07-2016 05:17

It is hard to predict who the collection of information can be used for or against someone. If you want the government and or power company turing your air cootidinning and pool pump on an off then surely you have the right to give up your right of control.But regardless of what the intent is behind the smart meter, it seems pretty clear that these are dangerous devices for ones health. That should be the bottom line. Why the hell would any parent want to expose their children to this kind of pollution? It is insanity.
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Leidy rojas 02-06-2015 13:25

vamos con faiber hoyos Neiva Merece seguir adelante
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Hugo fernando perdomo 07-04-2015 16:09

voto faiver hoyos es un hombre serio y esta bien preparado. el gorky es buena gente pero es mañoso y esta mal acompañado
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Juan pablo salas 28-03-2015 09:08

Estoy con faiver Hoyos la mejor opcion
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Pilar 20-03-2015 22:11

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Jose t villamizar j 19-03-2015 15:43

sin duda la esperanza del liberalismo sale a flote anhelamos rescatar lo que se perdió con esta actual alcaldia
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